75 Lower Parriwi Road, The Spit, Mosman NSW 2088
T: (02) 9969 1244 | E: info@mhyc.com.au
Donate here to help upgrade the clubhouse & facilities

Keelboat Information & Training Sessions

MHYC is conducting a series of informative presentations and practcal training for keelboat owners, crew and race management volunteers.

For all sessions, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to register at the earliest opportunity.

Wednesday 9 October from 6pm

Keelboat Safety Forum

Led by National Safety Equipment Auditor and RYA Yachtmaster Instructor, Phil Darling, this session covers MHYC’s risk management framework, harbour hazards, dealing with groundings, vessel and crew preparation, and MOB retrieval along with an open forum to discuss participants areas of interest.

Wednesday 23 October from 6pm

Flags & Signals

Ever wondered what all those confusing flags mean! 

This is useful information for sailors competing at MHYC and other clubs, and important for volunteers wanting to build their knowledge of race management.  This session also constitutes Part 1 of the MHYC Race Officer Course.

Saturday 26 October from 9am

Mark Laying

After an onshore briefing, participants will set up the buoys and tackle and go afloat to practice a variety of techniques to deploy and retrieve race marks.

Saturday 2 November from 10am

MOB Practical Training Session

Following on from the MOB theory of the Keelboat Safety Forum, this session provides the opportunity to use a MOB mannequin to practice MOB Retrieval techniques.

Wednesday 6 November from 6pm

MHYC Race Officer Course

The following week will be a Club Race Officer Course that will focus on race management and covers most aspects of MHYC’s keelboat racing program.  Even if you don’t want to be a race officer, this session will help sailors and volunteers understand the on-shore and on-water decision making processes that determine how races are conducted.  Note that this is not an Australian Sailing Accredited course.  

Wednesday 27 November from 6pm

Racing Rules Update

The new edition of the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS 2025-2028) apply from January 1.  Come along to find out what has changed, participate in some scenarios to see how the rules apply and have the opportunity to ask questions of experienced race officials.