75 Lower Parriwi Road, The Spit, Mosman NSW 2088
T: (02) 9969 1244 | E: info@mhyc.com.au
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Vale Phil Clinton

It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Phil Clinton, a long standing and valued senior member of the Middle Harbour Yacht Club community. Phil's deep commitment to sailing and his extensive contributions to the club for more than five decades have left an enduring legacy.

Phil Clinton's association with MHYC began almost 60 years ago, and throughout this time, he has held numerous roles that have significantly shaped the club's culture and its operations. From 2010 to 2015, Phil served as the Vice Commodore of Racing. During his tenure, he chaired the Sailing Committee and was instrumental in implementing several key initiatives from the Sailing Strategy Plan. These initiatives included the "Meet and Greet" nights, which simplified connections between skippers needing crew and members eager to sail, and the MHYC Mentoring Program, which brought experienced sailors on board to help crews and skippers enhance their skills.

Phil's involvement with MHYC extended beyond his term as Vice Commodore. He was an important member of the Race Management Team, frequently seen on the water as part of the starters and volunteer teams. His roles as a Club Judge, Safety Auditor, and PHS Handicapper demonstrated his commitment to ensuring that races were conducted safely and fairly. For over a decade, Phil also served as the Crew Board Manager during Thursday Night Twilight Sailing, where he helped new crew members find boats and boat owners find crew.

Phil's passion for sailing was deeply rooted in his family's maritime heritage. His grandfather was a ship's captain, and his father, Andrew Clinton, was a distinguished sailor and former Vice Commodore of MHYC. Phil's own sailing career included participating in six Sydney Hobart Yacht Races and numerous offshore races. Among his many club racing achievements, he particularly cherished the memory of finishing 10th from 119 starters in the 1982 Sydney Hobart Race on the famed 50-footer Casablanca.

After retiring from offshore racing, Phil continued to sail competitively with various crews, including on the Farr 30 2Excess and the Kernan 44 Swish. He later sailed with Bob Cox on 9 Dragons, enjoying the camaraderie and competitive spirit of yacht racing.

Phil's contributions to MHYC were not limited to his sailing expertise. After completing his term as Vice Commodore, he joined the Board of MHYC, where he represented the Board at Sailing Committees and supported volunteers and senior members. His efforts to adopt a welcoming and supportive environment at the club were deeply appreciated by all who knew him.

Phil Clinton was more than just a dedicated sailor; he was a cornerstone of the MHYC community. His kindness, generosity, and unwavering commitment to the club's values have left an indelible mark. The friendships he forged and the initiatives he championed will continue to benefit MHYC for years to come. In Julie Hodder’s own words “I will miss him a lot. He was true gentleman”. Words that will be echoed by all who had the pleasure of knowing him.

Phil and his family have been integral members of MHYC for many years. We extend our deepest condolences to them during this difficult time.

Phil's dedication will forever be remembered at MHYC. Fair winds Phil you have been an inspiration.