75 Lower Parriwi Road, The Spit, Mosman NSW 2088
T: (02) 9969 1244 | E: info@mhyc.com.au
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eSailing Teams Racing at MHYC

Last week MHYC conducted is first Team Racing eSailing event with a round robin series of short races with two teams of three sailors in the Star Keelboat. Rob Armstrong, David West and Brendan Smid made up the yellow team and Graham Brown, Adam Mowser and Pete Wilson made up the Blue Team. The Blue Team were the stronger of the two, earning a solid win of four out of the five races. However the results do not reflect the competitiveness of the races with boats hunting down each other to gain control. With strategy and team work communicated via an open zoom session it made for exciting viewing.

The September Series also started last week with seven boats competing on Wednesday and Thursday.

On Wednesday evening boats competed in the Barcolana 50. Rob Armstrong had a sensational start to the series winning 3 of the 5 races over the line for a score of 5 closely followed by Adam Mowser on 6 points and Graham Brown on 12. A PHS result has been introduced for the September Series, resulting in a very close series score with Rob Armstrong on 8.5 points, followed by Pete Wilson in second on count back and Graham Brown in third both on 11 points.

Racing continued on Thursday with a solid fleet of ten boats in the Barcolana 50. Adam Mowser proved too strong on the night winning 3 out of the 5 races over the line for a score of 5 points ahead of Jervis Tilly on 8 points, closely followed by David West on 10 points. In the PHS series  scores were tight with Rob Armstrong on 13 closely followed by Neil Padden on 14 and Graham Brown on 14.5.

For full results and registartion information click here.

Racing continues this week.