75 Lower Parriwi Road, The Spit, Mosman NSW 2088
T: (02) 9969 1244 | E: info@mhyc.com.au
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A Perfect Day for the January Cup

The January Cup kicked off MHYC’s Saturday sailing for 2021 today under sunny skies and a moderate south-easterly - a lovely day to be on the Harbour.  A Two-Handed Race was held in conjunction with the January Cup, attracting ten entries across the two divisions.

Well done top David Ross and Kukukerchu for taking the double in Division 1.  Second in the January Cup was Advanced Philosophy (Peter Sorensen) with Stormaway (Jack Stening & Colin Gunn) third.  In the Two-Handed, Kayimai (Rob Aldis was second, ahead of Anitra May (Dion Hart).

Ben Thompson’s Alliance also claimed the double win for Division 2 today.  Ace (David West) was second in both races, with Innamincka (John Crawford) claiming third in the January Cup and Kaotic (Catherine Rofe) third in the Two-Handed.

To view the January Cup results – click here

To view the Two Handed Race results – click here

Marg Fraser-Martin kept a lens on the fleet from Middle Head today.  Here are some of her images…