75 Lower Parriwi Road, The Spit, Mosman NSW 2088
T: (02) 9969 1244 | E: info@mhyc.com.au
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Thursday Twilights - a Safety Reminder

We are well into the festive season and people are bursting to have fun, especially in our club's famed Thursday Twilight Racing!

Following a couple of "interesting" races with incidents and near incidents recently I would like to remind ALL Skippers and Crew of a couple of things to be aware of during these fun evenings:

Please remember:

  • These evenings are for FUN - we are not competing for sheep stations here!
  • The starting area is quite congested, both at the Start and the Finish
  • Many of the crews, (and skippers) are not necessarily at championship racing skills levels and they may not be able to react instantaneously to developing situations,
  • The Racing Rules of Sailing apply, and NOR 16.6 and 16.7 in the Sailing Handbook on page 32 applies.
  • NOR 16.6 - The Pumphouse Pre-Start area is defined as the area between the start line and the extension of the A-Arm outer walkway (southern marina arm).
  • NOR 16.7 - When the Pumphouse Start Line is in operation, no boat shall enter the Pre-Start Area before her Preparatory Signal unless transiting the area under motor.
  • Drink driving laws apply, on the water as well as in your car... (Would you drive down Military Road with a beer in your hand, having just consumed a couple at the bar??)
  • SAFETY of crews and boats is paramount on these evenings.

So,  the request from the club is….

Be SAFE at all times - put your perceived "rights" aside in favour of caution


  • "drink & drive"
  • Put your sails up in the Start Area, which is the zone between the Pumphouse start line and D arm 


  • Abide by the Racing Rules of Sailing
  • Stay out of the Pre-Start Area until you are actually starting
  • Avoid the following behaviours:
    • Pushing people up,
    • Barging into "no go" areas,
    • Performing risky port / starboard crossings
  • Reduce the testosterone levels and put aggressive sailing tactics aside in favour of enjoyment and safety of your crew and the boats around you
  • Give people room to manoeuvre
  • Provide mark room
  • Give room at continuing obstructions
  • Stay away from the MHYC jetties - they are expensive AND much harder than your boat and crew!
  • After you finish, proceed beyond D arm before dropping your sails and
  • Be mindful of other finishing boats when returning to the dock (the dockside celebrations can wait for a few minutes!!)

MHYC treasures the fantastic opportunity to sail in daylight saving twilights - let's keep on making it enjoyable and safe for EVERYONE.

Kind regards,

Geoff Charters

Vice Commodore - Racing