75 Lower Parriwi Road, The Spit, Mosman NSW 2088
T: (02) 9969 1244 | E: info@mhyc.com.au
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Celebrating our Sailors - Part 5

Shelley Montague - MHYC Crew Member of the Year 2019-2020

As the Annual Presentation Night to celebrate MHYC’s 2019-2020 season was not possible due to Covid-19, we are announcing the award winners online over a period of 5 weeks.

In our fifth and final instalment, we celebrate:

  • Shelley Montague – recipient of the Crew Member of the Year Award
  • Kayimai (Rob Aldis) – Ocean Series Perpetual Trophy Division 1 and the Winter Rug Up Cup Division 1
  • Toy Box 2 (Ian Box) – The Premiers Cup, Selo Cup Division 1 and Chaos Cup Division 1


Shelley Montague – Crew Member of the Year

The Crew Member of the Year Award is presented to a crew member in a division of the Annual Pointscore during the season who displays the characteristics desirable of a MHYC Member and someone other crew members would aspire to emulate.

This year’s recipient is Shelley Montague, crew on the J/24 Innamincka.  Shelley is an enthusiastic and reliable crew member who has developed her speciality as a main trimmer. Innamincka was the only J/24 competing in this season’s one-design regattas with a female trimmer.  Shelley has also joined the committee of the NSW J/24 Class Association, helping to organise their events.


Kayimai (Rob Aldis)

Rob Aldis’ Dehler 46 Kayimai enjoyed a successful 2019-2020 season winning the Ocean Series PHS pointscore and placing third on IRC.  A win in the Winter Pursuit Series also earned Kayimai the Rug Up Cup for this year.  Kayimai is also a regular competitor in the Thursday Twilights and Feature Race program at MHYC.


Toy Box 2 (Ian Box)

The Premiers Cup is presented annually to the winning yacht in the Club’s IRC Inshore Annual Pointscore.  This year’s winner was Ian Box and his XP44 Toy Box 2.  Additional trophies earned by Toy Box 2 in 2019-202 include the Selo Cup for a win in the IRC Offshore Division 1 competition and the Chaos Cup Trophy for Division 1 boats.










Congratulations to all the trophy and award winners for season 2019-2020.